Raul Roa


Practical, clean shapes

Relax Home is a company dedicated to the upholstered furniture and recliners manufacture, with the backing of more than 25 years of experience in the field. Seeking to expand into new markets, the company aimed to create new value propositions within the sofa bed niche.
With aspirational features for the new growing Colombian middle class, as well as a clean aesthetic of shapes and materials; Kyoto and Malmo are two pieces designed under this premise.

Industrial design  •  Design for manufacture
Relax Home


kyoto02 full postpro 1
kyoto03 postpro gris
kyoto03 postpro rojo
kyoto03 postpro beige
kyoto03 postpro taupe
Sofacama Kyoto sofabed furniture
Detalle sofacama Kyoto detail sofabed furniture mobiliario
Detalle sofacama Kyoto detail sofabed furniture mobiliario
sofacama kyoto sofabed furniture
sketches bocetos sofacama kyoto sofabed


sofacama sofabed malmo grey dark gris
sofacama sofabed malmo blue azul
sofacama sofabed malmo white blanco
sofacama sofabed malmo
Detalle tapizado sofacama Malmo
Detalle tapizado sofacama Malmo
Sofacama Malmo
Sketches de sofacama Malmo

Published with authorization from Relax Home. All rights reserved.
